My Secrets To Being Confident AF

Confidence is a tricky thing. There are so many components to what makes a person confident AF.

Most of us tend to scrutinize every little detail about ourselves so we can fit into what society has dictated for us. You cannot love your body and if you do it has to be this size. You cannot take care of yourself or you’re selfish and conceited. You can’t put yourself first, that means you don’t care about anyone else.

Why do we live our lives that way? Ugh its exhausting. Think about that for a minute. Do you want to live your life based on other people’s standards or do you want to live your life based on your own?

Confidence is all about trust; how much you trust and value yourself.

Try the tips below to start loving the skin you are in! You are worth it!!

  • You are a beautiful, unique, amazing, fine-ass MF creation that was only made once, you’re special. Know it. Feel it. Believe it.

  • Confidence has NOTHING to do with what your body looks like and everything to do with how you value yourself. Your value comes from the importance you put on taking care of yourself, your opinions, wants, desires and needs. Worth, value and confidence comes from within, not from other people’s approval.

  • Your body does NOT define you. You have something that is so special inside that body that deserves to be heard and seen, NO MATTER WHAT.

  • Your thoughts are not facts; just because you think it doesn’t mean its true. Understand the meaning behind the negative thoughts. Negative thoughts exist to simply keep us safe and protected from judgement. Understand that just because you have a thought or feeling doesn’t mean its true or representative of who you are.

  • Put yourself out there. Confidence comes from action. Do some things that scare you or that you don’t feel like you have the confidence to do. You may be surprised at the result.

  • Think of the worst case scenario in something that you feel anxious about whether it be wearing a crop top with jeans, posting a picture of yourself on Instagram, or even speaking in public. What is that happened? How would you handle it? Would it really be that bad anyway?

  • Know that every situation and interaction is a lesson. Even if things don’t go your way, it taught you something.

  • Take a moment and look yourself in the mirror. Repeat this mantra “My body is stronger everyday and deserves nothing less than the best. I will treat my body with respect.” I know it may sound silly but trust me the more you put in this work, the more and more you will start to believe it. The same goes for negative thoughts as well. The more you let those harmful thoughts take over your mind, the more you will start to believe them.

  • Slow Down! I can completely relate to this. I am always on the go and if there is down time, there is always something I could be doing. This causes overwhelm and stress which makes those negative thoughts start to creep in. Adopt meditation practices or spend 5 minutes per day and focus on taking long breaths. Put on my Love Your Body Meditation whenever you need a boost in confidence!

  • Trust yourself that you know what’s best for you and the decisions you make are a reflection of your needs. No one else gets a say in them.

  • Find Support. Having a great support system is very important to feeling confident AF. Find a coach or a group of people that you can lean on.

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